Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Video Game Consoles Not Released In The U.S.

i felt like telling you all the video game consoles that were not released in the U.S.
Here they are:

Game boy Light- The Game Boy Light was only released in Japan. It was a Game Boy with a backlight, but the backlight ran out power too fast so it was not released elsewhere.
Panasonic Q- The Panasonic Q was only released in Japan. It has the Nintendo Gamecube technology we all know, but also DVD playback and several other multimedia features.
iQue Player- The iQue (Chinese for "Gods Playing Machine") is a device specifically created for Nintendo's first entry into the Chinese market. The Chinese gaming market is plagued by piracy and so the iQue and its proprietary technology was manifested in order to ensure the release of a profitable device for the region.

Thats all so far. Which means we get most all video game consoles here in the U.S.

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